June & November Getaway booking details...

2007 has seen an increase in the costs of attending our beautiful location at Toolangi. March wasn't affected so much (due to an error on my part) but June (3 nights) and November (4 nights) pricing is as follows:
(minimum of 2 nights can only be booked)
1. If a group can use all beds in a room (including top bunks) the nightly rate is: $70.00 per night
2. If you book a top bunk (as an individual in a shared room) it is: $70.00 per night
3. If you book a bottom bunk (as an individual in a shared room) it is $87.00 per night (unless all beds are filled in which case it reverts back to $70)
4. If you book a room to be shared with only two people it is: $98.00 per night
(THESE are limited to 3 rooms available at this stage so be quick to book)
5. If you book a room for one person only it is:$135.00 per night
6. Ensuite room (1 only available - fits 3 people with 2 bottom & one top
This will be booked on a first in first served basis. **One bottom has been booked so far!
$105.00 per night for bottom beds
$80.00 per night for top bunk bed
THERE IS ALSO AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF $12 FOR THE WEEKEND ON TOP OF YOUR ACCOMMODATION. So when working out your total cost for the weekend it is the nightly charge x the number of nights PLUS $12.00.
The accommodation is school camp style - 5 - 7 beds in each room using bunks and singles... shared bathrooms, fantastic hosts and beautiful surroundings....
If you wish to book please email me asap and a deposit of one nights accommodation is required to be made to the VSG Trust bank account to confirm the booking. (If you don't have the details already I will email them to you).
I suspect June (3 nights) will be popular as will be November (4 nights) as bookings have already been received over the last few months so please be quick as I don't want the weekends to get any larger than 35 people, 40 people at the absolute most.... Otherwise we lose the intimacy that we all seem to enjoy (& it gets darned noisey)
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