Yes I know - blogging and keeping things up to date is not my forte, but I'm trying :) Seriously though, around mid May I have a new Barn Girl joining the team on a fulltime basis so all these things should be kept up to date much better. In the meantime, I promise to try as hard as possible!!! :) :)
We are also working on a new blog whereby you can subscribe and each time I post something new, you will be notified by email. This will eventually take over from our newsletter and keep things alot more streamlined for everyone... looking forward to that I am...
The Laser machine is working soooo hard trying to keep up. I have to keep telling the very talented Cindy and Sue to wait before sending me more as I need to catch up on what I already have. So between doing new designs and cutting the current range the not so little machine is working for its space in the Barn.
We just had a Very Special Getaway with a lovely group of 24 ladies (that includes me too!!)... we all had a wonderful weekend and most of them are booking again for either June or November or in some cases, both! So that is a good indication of how enjoyable our weekends are.
Shania Twain appeared again, though sheepishly at first, but she came into full swing with the cohersion of the energetic Sandi! At one stage nearly the whole room was up dancing, feeling like teenagers at a slumber party (most of us were wearing pj's by this time)... Shania is still paying for the jaunt with pain on a daily basis but hopefully soon it will subside!!!.... Whether she appears next time or not is yet to be seen... (the pain management team will have to advise on that one!)
All in all it was another wonderful weekend and approximately $2000 was raised towards our 2007 fundraising efforts for the wonderful organisation Very Special Kids! (
During the weekend, a beautiful album was begun by the ladies attending after a request from Sister Margaret (Very Special Kids) was made to me. It is an album where the families who have lost their child can place a photo on a page that they feel a connection to, whether by colour or design. The variety of pages created was fantastic and I'm sure each page will have a special connection to each family. This memorial album will be held in what's called "The Quiet Room" at Very Special Kids.
We will be having more projects like this coming up for which I'd like to ask the assistance of anyone reading about our efforts.
In the meantime if you'd like to attend one of our Very Special Getaways (run by the Very Special Getaways Trust), or you would like to offer a donation or a suggestion to the Trustees, please email me at
The pricing for the Getaways has unfortunately increased in 2007 but I'm sure you will feel that this cause is wonderful and the feeling of helping these families is a great feeling.
All the details will be published on our new website kindly put together by Jude at . The web address will be BUT it's not quite there yet!
So, back to work for me - and I'll let you know shortly what the latest laser designs have been!
Bye for now
Kathy :)